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Vacation Safety

Utilize our Hilton Head Island website along with other materials in order to have as much information possible for your visit. Be prepared with directions, maps, and attractions you plan to visit.

Sun Protection

A sun burn could spoil your vacation to Hilton Head. Use sunscreen with high SPF and apply it about 30 minutes before exposure to the sun. Be sure to reapply sunscreen after after swimming, physical activity or prolonged periods in the sun. Wear hats, cover-up and t-shirts for added protection. Avoid the middle afternoon sun. Also, do not fall asleep while sunbathing.

Remain cautious during cloudy days. Harmful sunrays still penetrate the clouds and you could become sunburned before you know it. Sever sunburns should be treated by a physician and may require medication to reduce pain and swelling.


Lifeguards are rarely on duty along Hilton Head even during the summer months. Families and inexperienced swimmers should remain around beach areas with lifeguards or be very careful when there are none.


Most vacationers never experience a jellyfish sting. If you are stung, rub the area with sand while the area is underwaterr This helps wash away any remaining nettles. Then apply meat tenderizer, vinegar or alcohol to neutralize toxins. Finally, wash the area with soap and fresh water. If the sting is severe, go see a physician or go to the hospital.


Do not leave your valuables in your car, hotel or easily accessible spot (like inside a towel.) Often it is best to leave expensive items at home when possible.

Important Documents

Keep personal identification, medical information, and health insurance cards in case there are any emergencies.

Traffic Safety

The highways in HIlton Head are often congested especially during rush hour. Be familiar with the roads and area by using maps and asking for directions. Allow extra time to reach your destinations because some spots can get a little slow. Be prepared for sudden stops.

Pedestrian Safety

Always walk facing oncoming traffic. Wear light or reflective clothing while walking or riding bike. At night be sure to be equipped with a flash light.


Always know where everyone in your party is and try to keep anyone from traveling solo.

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